Friday, November 20, 2009

Gay marriage & religion

Right out of the gate lets hit a hot issue. I have discussed this on face book a bit with a few different people. With so much going on lately in the news about Gay marriage, I thought I would see how everyone felt.

This is the question

Do you think it would be satisfactory for the government to get out of the marriage business all together, leaving marriage to the churches and only recognizing a secular civil union? Please explain your answer if you can.

So who should decide who can marry? Should it be the Federal government, State government, the people should vote on it? Recently there was the whole prop 8 debate, many people were ticked @ religious groups Mormons in particular for how much time & money they spent on defeating it. Is that there right, or are they mingling where they should not belong?

My take...

I do think the Federal government should not be in the marriage business. I think the government should grant Secular civil unions to all consenting adults & let everyone have = rights. If two dudes want to marry who is the federal government to tell them they can not have the same rights as a straight couple? Then let each church decide who they let get married, if the jews want to allow Gay marriages in the churches so be it & if the LDS does not so be it.

Let me say though I do think it is a choice to be homosexual, & a choice I do not agree with. With that said we all get to make are own choices, & if adults of legal age want to make that decision, then who am I to deny that. If a man wants to have 12 wife's as long as they are of legal age so be it.

"It's one thing to feel that you are on the right path, but it's another to think that yours is the only path"

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